Written by Tzarini Meyler
Co-directed by Tzarini Meyler and Kate Conboy-Fischer
Filmed by Nic Cargin and Cian Hamilton from Lost film Studios
Producer: Ana Canals
Lighting Designer: Colin Doran
Costume Designer: Rory Meyler
12 - 23 May 2021 - TakeYourSeats.ie
Open the door to number nineteen, where love hits the rocks like gin and tonic...
In Eva’s world, time has eclipsed. Her kingdom is ruled by imagination and her ever-changing mood. Waltzing through her mind on a daily basis, control is her vice, and to be forgotten is her greatest fear.
Meet David. Her forever child. He’s thirty-six and never left home. Eva treats him like a king one minute, and a worm the next. Trying desperately to win his mother’s approval, he works night and day without complaint. All he wants is to meet a nice lady and start a life of his own.
But every bachelorette is scrutinised and sent packing. How can David ever find love under the watchful eye of his mother?
In walks the devil Herself. Charming and seductive, she weaves her way into these four walls, turning their landscape inside out.
Pheromone spits fire, glamour, and the wrath of God into 1950’s Ireland. It explores male domestic abuse, and strong women in the Irish household, who don’t always love with a warm heart.
Filmed at The New Theatre.
‘pure theatre in its look and style’
‘A compelling watch’