"REVIEW: KITES by Tzarni Meyler at The Vaults Festival, Cage" | London Pub Theatres | 10/03/2023
"Kites, VAULT Festival Review" | Theatre & Tonic | 08/03/2023
"Kites Review" | The Guardian | 09/03/2023
"Kites – Vault Festival" | North West End UK | 10/03/2023
"Review: KITES, VAULT Festival" | Broadway World | 10/03/2023
"Interview: The parallels of religious and social expectations between 1948 Cork and our contemporary world" | Run Riot | 07/03/2023
"Tzarini Meyler talks KITES at VAULT Festival" | Theatre Bubble | 07/03/2023
"Lyn Gardner's VAULT Festival 2023 Picks: Week 7" | Stage Door | 03/03/2023
"Blowing in the wind - The Irish World" | The Irish World | 01/03/2023
"VAULT 2023 picks - weeks 7 and 8 - LouReviews" | LouReviews | 21/01/2023
"Interview: Tzarini Meyler on KITES, "I was fascinated by their fragility versus strength"" | The Understudy | 17/02/2023
"KITES" | Culture Calling | 23/01/2023
"Tzarini Meyler's KITES comes to VAULT Festival 2023 this March" | Stage Chat | 19/01/2023
"KITES Heads To VAULT Festival 2023 in March" | Broadway World| 19/01/2023
"Kites in Cork" | Southwark News | 19/01/2023
"Kites - Smock Alley Theatre, Dublin" | thereviewshub.com | 01/07/2022
"Review: Kites, Camden Fringe 2022" | everything-theatre.co.uk | 02/08/2022
"Edinburgh Festival Fringe reviews: (...) KITES" | scotsman.com | 01/09/2022
dublin in a rainstorm
"LipZinc Theatre to Present DUBLIN IN A RAINSTORM" | broadwayworld.com | 27/10/2021
"Dublin in a Rainstorm" | Dublin Gazette | 28/10/2021
"Introducing: Tzarini Meyler" | Sunday Independent | 31/10/2021
Interview with Kathleen Warner Yeates | Mail on Sunday | 31/10/2021
"Dublin in a Rainstorm" | allevents.in | 02/11/2021
"Dublin in a Rainstorm" | dublin.ie | 02/11/2021
"New show 'Dublin in a Rainstorm' explores life in the city in the 1920s" | dublinlive.ie | 02/11/2021
"Dublin in a Rainstorm" | jouralofmusic.com | 04/11/2021
"Dublin in a Rainstorm" | evensi.ie | 07/11/2021
"Dublin In A Rainstorm – Smock Alley Theatre – Review" | nomoreworkhorse.com | 08/11/2021
finding jospeh
"Short play inspired by Mother and Baby homes" | echolive.ie | 19/01/2021
"Local actor praised for moving monologue on Mother and Baby Homes" | westmeathindependent.ie | 25/01/2021
"World premiere of new show in Athlone" | westmeathindependent.ie | 02/08/2021
"Mother and baby home play to debut in Athlone this weekend" | westmeathindependent.ie | 09/09/2021
"Review: Pheromone (LipZinc, online)" | loureviews.blog | 13/05/2021
"Review: Pheromone, LipZinc Theatre" | oughttobeclowns.com | 15/05/2021
"Review: Pheromone, online @TakeYourSeats.ie" | everything-theatre.co.uk | 14/05/2021
"Online Theatre: Pheromone" | thebasictheatrereview.blogspot.com | 17/05/2021
"Pheromone - Review (Online Streaming)" | londontheatrereviews.co.uk | 24/08/2021
"Pheromone – Edinburgh Festival Fringe Online Review" | londontheatre1.com | 27/08/2021
"Six ways to get into the spooky Halloween spirit at home" | extra.ie | 24/10/2020
talking tarot
"LipZinc Theatre Announces New Show: Talking Tarot!" | broadwayworld.com | 05/09/2020
"Stage to screen, how an Irish playwright has changed her art during the pandemic" | extra.ie | 04/10/2020
"Adapting Tarots in Performance: LipZinc's Talikng Tarots" | thetheatretimes.com | 14/11/2020
talking icons
"LipZinc Theatre Announces New Show: TALKING ICONS" | broadwayworld.com | 19/05/2020
"Irish playwright highlights effects of isolation in live online play" | extra.ie | 06/06/2020
"Cork director calls on global cast for lockdown play" | echolive.ie | 09/06/20
"Ballylanders director launches lockdown play" | avondhupress.ie | 13/06/20
"Limerick playwright explores isolation and cocooning issues" | The Limerick Post | 30/05/2020